Drones Will Be The New Normal In The U.S. If We Let Them

Here's how it happens: The defense contractors see dollar signs, buy themselves a bouquet of Congress critters, and then suddenly we have an "urgent" civilian need for military equipment. It will keep us "safe". Sure, there'll be a few major

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Here's how it happens: The defense contractors see dollar signs, buy themselves a bouquet of Congress critters, and then suddenly we have an "urgent" civilian need for military equipment. It will keep us "safe". Sure, there'll be a few major collisions and "accidents," but it will become generally accepted as the New Normal. And once that's firmly ensconced in the public mind as necessary, we'll then develop an urgent need for armed drones.

Maybe voters need to rise up against this nonsense:

WASHINGTON - Are unmanned aircraft, known to have difficulty avoiding collisions, safe to use in America's crowded airspace? And would their widespread use for surveillance result in unconstitutional invasions of privacy?

Experts say neither question has been answered satisfactorily. Yet the federal government is rushing to open America's skies to tens of thousands of the drones - pushed to do so by a law championed by manufacturers of the unmanned aircraft.

The 60-member House of Representatives' "drone caucus" - officially, the House Unmanned Systems Caucus - has helped push that agenda. And over the last four years, caucus members have drawn nearly $8 million in drone-related campaign contributions, an investigation by Hearst Newspapers and the Center for Responsive Politics shows.

The Federal Aviation Administration has been flooded with applications from police departments, universities, private corporations and even the celebrity gossip site TMZ, all seeking to use drones that range from devices the size of a hummingbird to full-sized aircraft like those used by the U.S. military to target al-Qaeda operatives in Pakistan and elsewhere.

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