Erick Erickson Calls Sen. Wendy Davis An 'Abortion Barbie'
Isn't he precious?
UPDATE: Now that I'm reminded that Erickson works for Fox now, it all makes perfect sense. Never mind!
We are just so impressed by the fact that, like a wrestling referee, CNN Fox continues to look the other way as Mr. Redstate says one nasty, offensive, misogynistic thing after another. Way to protect freedom of the press! (Or make a mockery of it with a man who has never made one positive contribution to the public discourse.)
Plus, it's just not fair. Asking Wendy Davis to be up on the particulars of the Gosnell case is as silly as expecting the son of Erick to be up on the latest sex crimes of the Republican caucus. Think Progress:
Conservative commentator Erick Erickson referred to Texas Sen. Wendy Davis (D) as an “Abortion Barbie” in a tweet on Tuesday afternoon, sparking outrage over the sexist implications of linking the female lawmaker with the famous Mattel product.
Davis recently rose to national prominence after filibustering an anti-abortion bill for more than 11 hours. Although Texas ultimately ended up enacting those sweeping abortion clinic restrictions, she has continued to advocate for reproductive rights in the state. Recently asked about Kermit Gosnell — an illegal Philadelphia-area abortion provider whose crimes are typically invoked in fights over additional abortion restrictions — Davis incorrectly said that his unsanitary clinic was already licensed as an ambulatory surgical center.
Erickson mocked Davis for mixing up her facts on Gosnell, tweeting:
Davis was attempting to make the point that Gosnell’s crimes don’t apply to the new abortion restrictions in Texas, which require clinics to adhere to the same standards as ambulatory surgical facilities — an unnecessary rule that often forces clinics to make expensive updates, like widening their hallways. Abortion care in Texas’ clinics is already incredibly safe. The current regulations don’t allow clinics to commit the types of crimes that Gosnell did in his “house of horrors,” so his case is somewhat of a red herring.