Fake BP PR Account On Twitter Far Outstrips The Real One - And Raises Money For Gulf Restoration

Ah, social media! I love it that this guy is making money for a non-profit, all the while ridiculing the typical PR crisis-speak. Is this a great inte

Ah, social media! I love it that this guy is making money for a non-profit, all the while ridiculing the typical PR crisis-speak. Is this a great internet, or what?

As if the all-too-real BP oil spill weren't enough of a circus, a satirical Twitter account called@BPGlobalPR adds some dark humor to a sludgy situation.

The fake BP Twitter page was created a week ago and already has 42,000 followers -- dwarfing BP's real account, @BP_America, which has 5,700. The person pulling the strings of @BPGlobalPR, who refused to reveal himself or even break character in an interview with The Times, spills barrels of dark humor onto the international calamity.

@BPGlobalPR's fictional character, Terry, moves to stir up further controversy beyond the real-life disaster and so-far disastrous cleanup attempts that have sent BP's stock sliding 17.5 points since the April 20 Deepwater Horizon spill.Since then, we've seen a ludicrous parade of headlines, toxic name-calling, contributions from "BP cares" T-shirts (in green and black, a nice mesh of the colors of money and oil).

"Companies screw up and then they hire folks like me to come in to make it look like they're doing something while they figure out how to make money again," the fake public relations representative wrote. "BP is doing everything we can to save our reputation and hopefully salvage some oil out of all this. We're making a ton of shirts and commercials about how we care, and I cleaned an ugly bird yesterday."

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