denounced by the pollsters' professional organization because they suspected him of making things up, no ethical standards to speak of, very bad toupee. He's the kind of person who makes other people feel good, because everyone can find something about this jerk to make themselves feel superior. Isn't it interesting, that any news organizations still treat him like he's credible? Because he's not just on Fox News, you know.
And now, he jokes about killing the president. Isn't he just too special?
Fox News contributor Frank Luntz on Monday made a suggestion about running over the nation’s first black president with his car.
Appearing at an event with Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum in West Michigan, the GOP pollster warmed up the audience with a few jokes. Video of the event was captured by The Grand Rapids Press.
“I actually have a ‘Run, Barack, Run’ bumper sticker, but I put it on the front of my car,” Luntz said.
I guess we're not supposed to remember the racist jokes about "Run, N***er, Run" bumperstickers on the front of cars. And clearly, Fox News sees that sort of subtlety as a feature, not a bug. But news networks like ABC and CBS that use this clown might still care.