Brian Fischer: God Didn't Save Kids Because There's 'No Prayer In School'

I almost couldn't write about this, because I'm still in shock and very, very angry about this massacre. But I think it's important to be aware of the type of hypnotic, crazy spin the right wing puts on even such horrifying stories as the Sandy

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I almost couldn't write about this, because I'm still in shock and very, very angry about this massacre. But I think it's important to be aware of the type of hypnotic, crazy spin the right wing puts on even such horrifying stories as the Sandy Hook shooting, because wishing it away won't help us deal with it. We have to look The Crazy in the eye, and shameless American Family Association director Brian Fischer (the same guy who said God would be mad at us if we didn't use up all the oil) has it in spades:

Brian Fischer spent the first hour of his radio program today discussing this morning's truly horrific shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, which he, of course, blamed on the fact that prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments are not taught in public schools.

Fischer said that God could have protected the victims of this massacre, but didn't because "God is not going to go where he is not wanted" and so if school administrators really want to protect students, they will start every school day with prayer:

This guy is no Christian. Jesus would probably punch him.

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