No Deal With Stupak So Far And There Never Was: UPDATED: Pelosi Says No Vote For Stupak

Here's the latest from the Plum Line: I’m hearing that House Dem vote counters are preparing to move forward without him. Reports of a deal with St

Here's the latest from the Plum Line:

I’m hearing that House Dem vote counters are preparing to move forward without him. Reports of a deal with Stupak were overblown. Some in leadership argued for it, but pro-choice members shot it down, and Nancy Pelosi never agreed.

There’s still a question as to whether Stupak controls the amount of votes he claims to and discussions with Stupak and the members of the Stupak bloc are ongoing. What Stupak wants — a resolution that adds the same restrictive abortion language Stupak attached last time — isn’t happening.

That may explain why Stupak abruptly canceled his presser.

Conversations are still ongoing, and some kind of accommodation with Stupak is possible, though not the one he’s apparently insisting on. Dems are holding a whip meeting soon to determine where the votes are and whether it’s possible to move forward without him and whoever else he controls.

UPDATE: John Amato:

My sources are telling me that there never was a deal struck with Stupak. A lot of rumors were flying around last night and of course people were in talks.

And Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a leading pro-choice progressive, said they're moving ahead without him. "There's not going to be any deal made with Mr. Stupak...there's been no deal whatsoever. He's been told that his language is not going to be added to the legislation," she told me this morning.

Pelosi just said that there is not going to be a separate vote for Stupak. Pelosi: 'No Separate Vote' For Stupak...Or Anybody Else

House Democratic leadership has apparently told Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) to go take a hike--and they'll move forward without him, or any other anti-abortion Dems threatening to switch their votes from 'yes' to 'no.'

Just off the House floor moments ago, Pelosi told reporters there will be "no separate vote" on abortion or any other measure. And Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a leading pro-choice progressive, said they're moving ahead without him. "There's not going to be any deal made with Mr. Stupak...there's been no deal whatsoever. He's been told that his language is not going to be added to the legislation," she told me this morning.

The NRO is saying the same thing.

Stupak is 'Finished with Pelosi' [Robert Costa]

Two pro-life GOP members close to Stupak tell NRO that any Stupak deals are off. They just spoke with him and they said he's finished with Pelosi. They rejected his enrollment corrections proposal.


It looks like the pro-choice caucus stood firm. The proposed Stupak separate vote deal is off the table. Now we're hearing that some sort of agreement is being sought for the President to issue an executive order on abortion. I wonder what that means?

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