How You Can Help Support Crooks And Liars
I would like to officially announce that Susie Madrak has been promoted to Managing Editor of C&L. Although she's already been at the job for a few weeks, I decided to wait until the new year to make the announcement. As you know, David Neiwert
I would like to officially announce that Susie Madrak has been promoted to Managing Editor of C&L. Although she's already been at the job for a few weeks, I decided to wait until the new year to make the announcement. As you know, David Neiwert took over in the interim to replace Tina Dupuy last year, but that was a temporary solution until the craze of a general election passed and we had a chance to catch our breath.
Susie has been with C&L for many years now and she's earned her new position. It was an easy decision to make and as you've already seen-- C&L has been chugging away with awesome content. Her transition has been as seamless and effortless as it appears. And I'm happy to report that she's already come up with some new ideas of ways we can expand and grow C&L's content. I'm very happy to have my friend managing the site so well. Well done, Susie.
John Amato, Publisher
We know money's tight, even if you're still lucky enough to have a job. Odds are, your house is underwater, your 401K has bottomed out, your savings are gone. Believe me, we get it.
But there's a really easy way for you to support Crooks and Liars, and it won't cost you anything but a few minutes. Click on the headline and go to the full post. See those "share" buttons? The ones with the Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Google, "Share" and "email"? That's how you can help.
If you don't already have one, please open accounts with the main social networking sites -- especially Twitter, Reddit, Digg, and/or Stumbleupon. (We appreciate it when you share posts on Facebook, or even Pinterest, too. We don't see much traffic from other networking sites, but feel free to try.)
Plus, social networking sites are fun! You come across all kinds of interesting stuff. (Just make sure you come back here eventually.)
We're not asking you to push posts you don't like. We just want you to recommend the ones you do! We get a lot of extra traffic when something goes viral, and we wanted to ask your help. So if you like something you read here, please share it with one of these sites. And thanks for showing your support.
(P.S. Reddit and Digg drive the most traffic in the short term, but Stumbleupon links are great, because they seem to last forever. I still see hits from three-year-old links.)
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This video tells you how to use Reddit. Vulgar language, probably not suitable for work!