Rep. Issa Gets Panties In A Twist Over Potential Loss Of Obama's White House Emails

They really have no sense of irony, do they? Funny, how indifferent they were to millions of missing BushCo emails: WASHINGTON (CNN) – A California

They really have no sense of irony, do they? Funny, how indifferent they were to millions of missing BushCo emails:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – A California Republican congressman has called on President Obama to put in place a system that ensures all White House emails be preserved even if official business was done through private e- mail accounts.

Rep. Darrell Issa, the senior Republican on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, made the request in a February 19 letter to White House Counsel Greg Craig.

Issa specifically mentioned the new administration’s brief use of Gmail accounts after Obama was sworn in last month, as they waited for the official White House e-mail accounts to become active.

“As you know, any e-mail sent or received by White House officials may be subject to retention under the Presidential Records Act (PRA),” Issa wrote Craig in the letter.

[...] A White House spokesman told CNN Thursday that all staff were told to forward any official correspondence to their White House e-mail accounts, and added that private e-mail accounts are no longer being used.

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