#OWS Romance: Love In The Time Of Pepper Spray

I used to hear this kind of story all the time during the Vietnam war. I guess my mom was right: Everything does come back around again! Occupy Wall Street protester Kaylee Dedrick is still furious over getting pepper-sprayed by a cop - but the

I used to hear this kind of story all the time during the Vietnam war. I guess my mom was right: Everything does come back around again!

Occupy Wall Street protester Kaylee Dedrick is still furious over getting pepper-sprayed by a cop - but the blinding sting wasn't all bad.

It sparked a romance with a fellow protester who came to her aid.

After pepper-spray-happy NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna brought them together, Dedrick and Robert Grodt have become an item.

They kiss passionately, and slumber side by side - but neither would say they are dating.

"Nothing strengthens a relationship like a chemical agent," was Grodt's tongue-in-cheek reply when asked about their romance while they locked lips at the Zuccotti Park encampment earlier this week.

Grodt, an activist and journalist from Santa Cruz, Calif., played his guitar and serenaded his new lady-friend as he recalled the first time he gazed into her watery, red eyes.

The two protesters were strangers before Dedrick's run-in with Bologna near Union Square on Sept. 24 - a now-notorious incident that led to a video that has since been viewed by netizens around the world.

Bologna's spraydown landed him in hot water with NYPD brass - and left Dedrick with her eyes and skin feeling like they were aflame.

Grodt, a volunteer medic for the group's march up to Union Square, rushed to help her as she fell to the pavement, covering her eyes with her hands and screaming in agony. Employees of a nearby movie theater let him take her inside for treatment.

"I was treating her in a utility closet," he recalled.

They say their bond was catalyzed by the time, shortly thereafter, that they spent on the cinema's roof, ranting about police brutality.

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