Much Talk, Little Action Is Expected On Gun Control
Mike Bloomberg had some sharp words about the presidential nominees and their positions on gun control. Here we go again. Politicians will pretend they're going to do something, and the NRA will make sure they don't - because after all, it's an
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Mike Bloomberg had some sharp words about the presidential nominees and their positions on gun control.
Here we go again. Politicians will pretend they're going to do something, and the NRA will make sure they don't - because after all, it's an election year. As much as I don't care for Mike Bloomberg, at least he has puts his money where his mouth is - as do many big-city mayors. But it's the state legislators and congress members who are too afraid of Wayne LaPierre's gang to stick up for the rest of us:
WASHINGTON -- The Aurora, Colo., mass shooting is reigniting a debate over whether tougher gun laws are needed, but congressional legislation is a long shot, especially in an election year.
Gun-control legislation is likely to be introduced again, as it was after other high-profile shootings, such as those at Columbine High School in 1999 and Virginia Tech in 2007.
But even gun-control advocates acknowledge they face a tough climb. Many Democrats have shied away from the issue since 2000, when losing presidential candidate Al Gore’s advocacy of gun control is believed to have cost him support in rural states.
When asked about prospects for gun-control legislation, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Friday, "I don’t believe it has a chance in this environment.’’
Feinstein, a leading gun-control advocate who sponsored the federal assault weapons ban that Congress let lapse in 2004, added in an interview: "Americans really have to begin to show some outrage at this.’’
[...]Congress in 2007, in response to the Virginia Tech shooting, passed legislation aimed at expanding the federal database used to screen gun buyers to include more mental health records, but the results have drawn mixed reviews.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg ratcheted up the debate by calling on the presidential candidates to "tell us what they are going to do’’ to prevent similar shootings.
"No matter where you stand on the 2nd Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them concretely, not just in generalities – specifically what are they going to do about guns?’’ Bloomberg said on WOR radio.