'Nashville' Recap Season 2, Episode 1: I Fall To Pieces
The Nashville gang is back!
By Susie Madrak
best music on television (curated last season by T Bone Burnett, Buddy Miller this season) and if you're not watching, you should. They're using songs by some fine singer-songwriters.
Anyway: The last thing we saw in the Season 1 finale, Deacon snapped out in a drunken rage and fought with Rayna when she admitted he was Maddie's father, and the car went off the road. Two weeks later, Rayna is in an induced coma and Deacon's in jail, with bail set at one million smackers, with him pleading guilty. Even though Rayna was driving.
"Let him go, he's an addict. Addicts will always break your heart."
- Juliette Barnes is pissed off because it's award season, she and Rayna are up for the same awards and "now I have to compete with the saint," she spits. Juliette, hon, your trailer park is showing. She grabs for the spotlight when she does a tribute to Rayna during her show, including a slideshow. ("Interestingly enough, you were in most of the pictures," Avery notes acerbically as they come offstage.)
- During Juliette's rehearsal, Scarlett approaches her to borrow money for Deacon's bail. "Let him go, he's an addict. Addicts will always break your heart," Juliette says. She's never gonna forgive her mother, even though she saved Juliette's ass!
- Peggy confirms her pregnancy to Teddy, who says he wants nothing to do with the child. He offers her financial support, "but that's it." Later, when she goes to the ultrasound appointment alone, she learns that she miscarried. Will she tell Teddy? Nope. "I heard the heartbeat today," she tells him.
- Teddy and Maddie have a father-daughter talk about Deacon. "He was always my Uncle Deacon, and now he's my dad," she says. "He's your biological father. I'll always be your dad," Teddy assures her.
- Scarlett, ever loving and supportive, goes to the jail to tell her uncle she's trying to raise his bail. Deacon rebuffs her. "I'm no one's damn father! You quit coming here!" he yells at a tearful Scarlett. Ha. You just know he's gonna get over it because Maddie is such a sweet kid.
- Lamar, Rayna's father, refuses to leave Rayna's side. We find out Rayna's mother died in a car crash while she was 12, while Lamar was away on business. So this is the source of the bad blood between them.
- In a flashback, we see Rayna telling her sister Tandy that she's pregnant with Maddie -- and Deacon's on a bender. Tandy encourages her not to tell Deacon. "If he knows, anything could happen." We all know what happened; she married Teddy instead.
- Gunnar is trying to get over Scarlett, and his closeted roommate Will (who's already made a pass at him) throws a big party to help him get over her. "I can't just party away the way I feel," he tells him. Like some people. Will tells him he's not hiding anything. What about that wide stance?
- Gunnar goes to Scarlett's party at the Bluebird, and joins her onstage to sing Kim Richey's "Why Can't I Say Goodnight" Points for using Miss Kim! (And congratulations, Kim, on the mucho soundtrack royalties headed your way!) Avery looks on mope-ily. Is Avery ever going to become that good guy Scarlett needs? Stay tuned.
- Uh oh. Rayna's blood pressure spikes as Rayna in her coma replays the crash. Fortunately, she comes out of it. If your leading lady is going to be in a coma for only one episode, you need a scary moment, right?
- "Did you post his bail?" Scarlett asks Juliette. "I have my people working on it now," Juliette says. Scarlett says she wishes she knew why Deacon fell off the wagon so hard. Juliette doesn't tell her about Maddie and Deacon, which she knows because Maddie confided in her. (Does Juliette have a nefarious motive? Sometimes she does have a heart, so we'll see.)
- Doctors successfully bring Rayna out of her coma.
- Deacon's attorney figures out Deacon wasn't behind the wheel, Rayna was.
- Uh oh. Tandy finds out Lamar may have set up his wife's fatal car accident. Hmm. Wouldn't put it past him!