Nashville Season 2 Episode 9: I'm Tired Of Pretending

Here's this week's recap!

Uh oh. Layla gives herself an encore after her set and Juliette's steaming. Also, married millionaire Charlie Wentworth tells Juliette he loves her and wants to build a life together. "Here's the problem: I don't believe you," Juliette says. We seem to be ignoring that tongue hockey Olivia forced on Juliette at the end of last week's episode.

Teddy's ticked because Maddie wants to take guitar lessons with Deacon. Now Teddy's the one who's feeling insecure!

Avery, Gunnar and Zooey take a road trip to St. Louis to cheer up Scarlett, who's lonely on tour.

Lamar asks Rayna to get Tandy to be a character witness. Guess he hasn't figured out Tandy dimed him out to the feds!

Will and Layla are drinking in a bar, and Will's drunk enough to get up on the bar and sing along with his own song -- and he dives into the crowd. Crunch! Layla still doesn't know Will is gay, she thinks they're a couple.

Charlie calls Juliette and tells her to turn on the teevee. Extra! is doing a story about how Charlie filed for divorce. "Now do you believe me?"

Rayna tells Tandy Lamar wants her to show up at his bail hearing as a character witness. "You think I should do it?" Tandy says. "I think you should think about it," Rayna tells her.

Pouting Layla tells Gay Will she doesn't think he should be her boyfriend anymore. Honey, get a grip! He plays for the other team!

Juliette tells Charlie she doesn't want people to think she's a homewrecker. Charlie tells her he just wants to be with her.

Maddie has her first lesson with Deacon, while Teddy bitches to Never-Pregnant Peggy, who's talking about how "one minute you feel the magic, and then it's gone." Oh, she's shameless.

Avery, Gunnar and Zoey make it to St. Louis, and of course Avery doesn't have a clue that Gunnar and Zoey are "a thing." Scarlett asks Zoey if she's met any boys, Zoey sidesteps her with "I'm spending all my time with these two boys." Well, half right.

Deacon tells Maddie he might make another solo album, and Maddie asks him to come to the kids' open mike where she's going to perform. Teddy shows up with Never-Pregnant Peggy, and is annoyed that Deacon is there. Rayna goes into co-dependent mode after Maddie invites Deacon up on stage to sing "I Have A Life That's Good" with her. Teddy is PISSED. Outside the coffeehouse, he gets into a yelling match with Deacon: "You are not her father!" Maddie hears and of course runs off crying. "Why can't we all just get along?"

Juliette is complaining to Charlie about Layla's "All About Eve" act. She then tells Layla she's flipping her in the lineup, so she's going to follow Will. Layla apologizes, but Juliette knows a problem when she sees one and she's letting Layla know she's not going to take any more crap.

Juliette calls Avery to tell him she's going back to Nashville and wants to know if he's going to be around.

Scarlett sees Gunnar and Zoey kissing, and runs off. (A lot of running off on this show!)

Rayna mediates between Deacon and Teddy, and tells them not to ruin their chance with Maddie. "She doesn't want to see either of you right now, and that would be a loss," she says.

Tandy tells Rayna she feels like she didn't really know Lamar. Even though she was partner to all his dirty work.

Teddy sandbags Deacon by removing his name from the lineup for the Music Festival. What a jerk.

Juliette tells Charlie he doesn't really love her. "You just love the challenge of me. You should get back with Olivia, I'm sure she'll give you another chance."

Layla tells Will she thinks Juliette is a bitch. Will gives her the stinkeye and says he's going to take a shower. She then calls TNT and tells them Juliette broke up Charlie and Olivia's marriage. How sweet.

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