New DSCC Ad Hits Pat Toomey For Wall Street Ties. Dems Getting Their Groove Back?

Great ad. I was wondering when the Dems were going to go on the offensive with this Club For Growth wingnut weasel, because Sestak will need all t

Great ad. I was wondering when the Dems were going to go on the offensive with this Club For Growth wingnut weasel, because Sestak will need all the help he can get against this bozo:

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee launched its first television advertisement of the general election today, introducing former Wall Street derivatives trader and Republican Senate candidate Pat Toomey to Pennsylvania voters.

Millionaire Pat Toomey did “pioneering work” with derivatives as a freewheeling Wall Street trader in the 1980s, even praising derivatives as an “enormous good.” After leaving Wall Street, Toomey moved to Washington, where as a Congressman he wrote legislation to weaken oversight of Wall Street, which contributed to the meltdown of our economy. Now, as a Senate candidate, Toomey advocates for the same freewheeling, reckless policies that led to economic collapse, all while taking in more than $1.6 million in campaign contributions from Wall Street and other financial special interests.

“Democrats are not going to let former Wall Street derivatives trader Pat Toomey get away with failing to mention his decades of service to Wall Street,” said DSCC National Press Secretary Deirdre Murphy. “Pennsylvania voters should know that Toomey has fought for Wall Street his entire life, first as a freewheeling derivatives trader, then as a Congressman writing legislation to weaken oversight of Wall Street, and finally as president of the Wall Street-backed Club for Growth. As a Senate candidate, Toomey might be right for Wall Street but he’s flat out wrong for Pennsylvania families.”

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