New Law Makes American Agriculture Safe For Child Labor

Sigh.Via Atrios, Claire McCaskill continues to show signs that she was dropped on her head as a child and just won't rest until everyone else gets dropped on their heads, too: Great news,our work to stop dumb rule on children working on farms

Sigh.Via Atrios, Claire McCaskill continues to show signs that she was dropped on her head as a child and just won't rest until everyone else gets dropped on their heads, too:

Great news,our work to stop dumb rule on children working on farms succeeded! Rs & Ds from farm states came together and common sense won.

Yes, because really, it's really "common sense" to put children in harm's way like this:

A grain bin accident that left two teenagers dead and a third hospitalized could have been prevented and preliminary investigations found one worker was underage and employees lacked safety equipment, a federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration spokesman said Thursday.

"This was very preventable," said OSHA spokesman Scott Allen in the Department of Labor's Chicago office. "There are OSHA regulations that should have been followed and it appears they were not."

This isn't about "family farms." This is about using underage workers in dangerous working conditions.

And of course, President Barack "I Wouldn't Want To Offend Big Agra In An Election Year" Obama made a principled decision and retreated.

The bipartisan dream goes on!

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