NJ Girl Wins, Hasbro To Make Gender-Neutral Easy-Bake Oven

We've had a lot of bad news lately, but this made me smile. The young girl who started a campaign to get a gender-neutral Easy-Bake Oven for her brother was successful! Personally, I was one of those kids who couldn't stand "girly" toys, so I'm

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We've had a lot of bad news lately, but this made me smile. The young girl who started a campaign to get a gender-neutral Easy-Bake Oven for her brother was successful! Personally, I was one of those kids who couldn't stand "girly" toys, so I'm sure they're going to sell more of the new model to girls, too:

Hasbro says it will soon reveal a gender-neutral Easy-Bake Oven after meeting with a New Jersey girl who started a campaign calling on the toy maker to make one that appeals to all kids.

McKenna Pope, 13, of Garfield, N.J., got more than 40,000 signatures on her online petition at Change.org and the support of celebrity chefs including Bobby Flay, who backed her call for Hasbro to make a gender-neutral oven and to include boys in the ads.

She was prompted to start the petition after shopping for an Easy-Bake as a Christmas present for her 4-year-old brother, Gavyn Boscio, and finding them only in purple and pink.

Hasbro invited McKenna and her family to its Pawtucket, R.I., headquarters to meet with its Easy-Bake team, and on Monday, they drove to Rhode Island from New Jersey. During the meeting, Hasbro executives showed off a prototype of their newest Easy-Bake: one that's black, silver and blue.

Hasbro has been working on the new color scheme and design for about 18 months, and decided to invite McKenna to see it and offer her thoughts, said John Frascotti, Hasbro's chief marketing officer.

McKenna said the company is doing everything she asked, including putting boys in the ads.

"I think that they really met most or even all of what I wanted them to do, and they really amazed me," she said, adding that Gavyn thought the new design was "awesome."

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