The 'Party Of No' Finds Obstruction Strategy Is Not Paying Off In Contributions. But It Will Later, They Insist!

It's all in whether you see the glass as half empty - or half full. So with a new resolution to look on the bright side, I'm thrilled that the Democ


It's all in whether you see the glass as half empty - or half full. So with a new resolution to look on the bright side, I'm thrilled that the Democratic party is still as thoroughly owned by corporate lobbyists as the Republicans!

The Republican Party's strategy since early last year of lock-step opposition to the Obama administration's major legislative initiatives has proved to be less bankable than some party leaders may have anticipated.

Democrats in both chambers are enjoying the traditional advantages of majority-party status -- and then some. They lead in donations by political action committees, by committees affiliated with the national political parties or with House and Senate leaders, and in individual contributions to incumbent lawmakers. In some instances, their lead exceeds what the Republicans had when that party controlled both chambers in the 2005-06 midterm election cycle.

To no surprise, analysts differ by party on the causes and significance of the disparity. Some Republicans say a donations surge may still come in the campaign's final months, particularly as the party courts new, small donors outside Washington. They also complain that donations to party stalwarts have been affected by internal squabbles with rebellious tea partiers, which they hope will end soon.

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