The Rev. Graham Has Only Good Things To Say About Serial Philanderer Donald Trump's Candidacy.
It's never a pretty sight when a "religious" leader whose popularity and financial wellbeing are so closely linked to the welfare of the Republican party has to rationalize the insanity that is extreme Republican politicians. But at least we
It's never a pretty sight when a "religious" leader whose popularity and financial wellbeing are so closely linked to the welfare of the Republican party has to rationalize the insanity that is extreme Republican politicians. But at least we have the comic relief of the shameless Rev. Franklin Graham trying to look serious as he struggles to find positive things to say about Donald Trump on This Week with Christiane Amanpour:
The Rev. Franklin Graham, whose family has served as spiritual advisers to numerous prominent political figures, told "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour that businessman Donald Trump might be his candidate of choice in 2012 and that he does not think former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will run for president.
"Donald Trump, when I first saw that he was getting in, I thought, well, this has got to be a joke," said Graham. "But the more you listen to him, the more you say to yourself, you know, maybe this guy's right."
"So, he might be your candidate of choice?" Amanpour asked.
"Sure, yes," Graham responded.
Trump has received growing support from conservatives since his name entered the arena as a 2012 Republican contender and currently ranks at the top of polls along with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Amanpour also inquired about Graham's feelings toward Romney. Graham replied, "No question he is a very capable person, he's proven himself." Despite the indications of approval, Graham did not outright back Romney.
Nope, and as a fundie, he won't back a Mormon until he has to -- since so many evangelical Christians believe Mormons aren't even Christians and we won't want to antagonize the base, will we? (One of the main bones of contention is -- and this probably won't surprise you -- is that Mormons don't believe in a universal hell for all non-believers like fundies do. Which, I guess, is why they lean so heavily instead on social ostracism to keep the members in line.)
In December 2010, Graham and Sarah Palin travelled together to Haiti to assist with relief efforts after the country's devastating earthquake. Amanpour asked Graham about his thoughts on a possible Palin presidential campaign.
"I think she likes speaking on the issues, and I agree with many of the issues that she brings up," Graham told Amanpour, "but I believe – I don't see her as running for president."
Ah, the bloom is off the Palin rose! More to the point, the Republican establishment is closing ranks to cut off oxygen to a possible Palin candidacy, to the point where even Franklin Graham is saying nice things about serial philanderer Donald Trump. Maybe it's because they're both sons of self-made men who inherited their father's businesses?