Rick Perry Apparently Changes His Mind On Secession, Asks Feds For Swine Flu Help

After calling for secession, now he's asking for federal help for his state? Rick Perry reminds me of a little kid who says he's running away from hom

After calling for secession, now he's asking for federal help for his state? Rick Perry reminds me of a little kid who says he's running away from home - and asks Mom to pack him a lunch. Where's your pride, Rick?

SAN ANTONIO – Gov. Rick Perry has asked for 37,430 courses of anti-viral medicine from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention because of the swine flu outbreak.

And a high school near San Antonio has been ordered closed this week because a third student from the school may have the disease. Two cases have been confirmed.

"As a precautionary measure, I have requested that medication be on hand in Texas to help curb the spread of swine flu by helping those with both confirmed and suspected cases of this swine flu virus, as well as health care providers who may have come in contact with these patients," Perry said in a prepared statement.

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