The Right Wing Plan To Dismantle Public Schools Is Working
What the teachers in Chicago are fighting is a right-wing agenda that's been in play for a long time, secretly and heavily funded by wealthy extremists and carefully messaged. They're pretty effective, too, since I hear so many "liberals"
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What the teachers in Chicago are fighting is a right-wing agenda that's been in play for a long time, secretly and heavily funded by wealthy extremists and carefully messaged. They're pretty effective, too, since I hear so many "liberals" repeating right-wing talking points about this strike. That's the thing about liberals; we're wired to find common ground, so when someone says, "Bad teachers! Tenure!", we say, "Yeah, I can see your point." But that makes us less likely to see the larger, evil forces at work:
Like most other conservatives and libertarians, we see vouchers as a major step toward the complete privatization of schooling. In fact, after careful study, we have come to the conclusion that they are the only way to dismantle the current socialist regime."
Bast spells out the agenda:
"Vouchers zero in on the government school monopoly's most vulnerable point: the distinction between government financing and government delivery of service. People who accept the notion that schooling is an entitlement will nevertheless vote to allow private schools to compete with one another for public funds. That fact gives us the tool we need to undercut the organizing ability of teachers' unions, and hence their power as a special-interest group.
...Because we know how the government schools perpetuate themselves, we can design a plan to dismantle them."
Right-wing billionaire Dick DeVos speaking at the Heritage Foundation, 2002:
And so while those of us on the national level can give support, we need to encourage the development of these organizations on a state-by-state basis, in order to be able to offer a political consequence, for opposition, and political reward, for support of, education reform issues.
That has got to be the battle. It will not be as visible. And, in fact, to the extent that we on the right, those of us on the conservative side of the aisle, appropriate education choice as our idea, we need to be a little bit cautious about doing that, because we have here an issue that cuts in a very interesting way across our community and can cut, properly communicated, properly constructed, can cut across a lot of historic boundaries, be they partisan, ethnic, or otherwise.
And so we've got a wonderful issue that can work for Americans. But to the extent that it is appropriated or viewed as only a conservative idea it will risk not getting a clear and a fair hearing in the court of public opinion. So we do need to be cautious about that.
We need to be cautious about talking too much about these activities. Many of the activities and the political work that needs to go on will go on at the grass roots. It will go on quietly and it will go on in the form that often politics is done - one person at a time, speaking to another person in privacy. And so these issues will not be, maybe, as visible or as noteworthy, but they will set a framework within states for the possibility of action on education reform issues."
They couldn't be any clearer about their agenda: They want to destroy teachers unions and the public school system. This is what the Chicago strike is about. Stand up for public education. Stop falling for the right-wing spin.