Ryan Abortion Extremism Missing In WI's Biggest Newspaper
Paul Ryan sponsored an act that would allow rapists to sue victims who wanted an abortion. This is, to say the least, bizarre. Sure, a little rooting for the local hero is expected - but when the biggest national news story is the Akin
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Paul Ryan sponsored an act that would allow rapists to sue victims who wanted an abortion.
This is, to say the least, bizarre. Sure, a little rooting for the local hero is expected - but when the biggest national news story is the Akin insanity, the biggest paper in Wisconsin takes a pass? The Paul Ryan Watch reports:
Paul Ryan is all over the national news stories about the Republican anti-choice agenda, since Todd Akin made the mistake of saying what he really thinks. Today's front page NY Times story, headlined Akin Controversy Stirs Up Abortion Issue in Campaign features Ryan prominently:
That agenda — largely eclipsed for two years by a protracted fiscal crisis and the fight over how to manage the federal deficit — has wedged its way, for now at least, to the center of the 2012 campaign. It is focusing attention on an issue that helped earn Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, a reputation as a flip-flopper, threatening the Republican quest for control of the Senate, and leaving Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, Mr. Romney’s vice-presidential pick, in the uncomfortable position of distinguishing himself from Mr. Akin, with whom he has often concurred...
[...] But this story, incredibly, continues to be missing from Wisconsin media coverage of the campaign. Ryan's role, his views on the issue, his phone call to Akin, their joint sponsorships of many far-out pieces of anti-abortion legislation -- scarcely a mention.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel certainly isn't ignoring Ryan or the race. Some very competent reporters -- Craig Gilbert, Don Walker and Dan Bice among them -- are covering the race and writing about it. But we keep reading "Local Boy Makes Good" stories and little or nothing about the controversy swirling around Ryan.
We are inclined to blame their editors, who must not be encouraging --if not actively discouraging -- their people from doing the real reporting they are capable of. That's a shame, as Wisconsin, a battleground state, gets a sanitized version of the news from its biggest circulation newspaper.