The Sherminator Kicks Wall Street Butt

Via the Daily Bail, this fantastic showdown between Rep. Brad Sherman, Mark Haynes and Erin Burnett over the taxes on AIG bonus payments. Daily Jail

Via the Daily Bail, this fantastic showdown between Rep. Brad Sherman, Mark Haynes and Erin Burnett over the taxes on AIG bonus payments. Daily Jail enthuses:

Guess who wins this contest of wit and intelligence. If you thought brunette bimbette, then you are you asked to leave the site.

I have been trying to restrain myself in descriptions, but this video is terrific. You will enjoy it.

Some of the Sherminator's great lines: "I want all bailouts to stop. I want capitalism. Bailouts are not capitalism. TARP is not capitalism. We should have AIG in receivership. It should have been in receivership for months now. We don't have to hunt the witches, we know who they are. What do AIG executives know about running a financial services company? They only know how to destroy one. We need some limitations on salary and bonus. The goal is to get them off the TARP system entirely. Give back the money and run your companies. This is about people who think they are really important but work at bailed out companies. I'm against bailing out Wall Street, period. If they want capitalism, let them have capitalism and give the money back."

Watch it.

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