Social Security Works Director: Why Cutting Social Security Is A Really Bad Idea. Call With Your Questions!

Judging from our comments section, people still have a lot of questions about the proposed changes in Social Security. Why should rich people be able to collect Social Security? What's the big deal if people have to retire a couple of years

Judging from our comments section, people still have a lot of questions about the proposed changes in Social Security. Why should rich people be able to collect Social Security? What's the big deal if people have to retire a couple of years later?

Tonight on Virtually Speaking Susie, my Blog Talk Radio show, I'll be interviewing Dr. Eric Kingson, professor of social work at Syracuse University, about Social Security. He was an advisor to the Obama campaign and is now the co-director with Nancy Altman of Social Security Works. He's one of the top experts in the country, so if you, your family or co-workers have questions or concerns, he's the person to ask.

Also joining the discussion will be FDL political reporter David Dayen.

The one-hour show begins at 11 pm EST (8 PM West Coast time) and we'll be taking calls at 646-200-3440.

Listen to internet radio with Jay Ackroyd on Blog Talk Radio
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