Toys For Tots: Requests For Toys Far Outstripping Supply This Year
This makes me sad, and I'm sure it's happening all over the country, not just Philadelphia. If you have the means to donate, please do so: The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program in Philadelphia has been flooded with requests for
This makes me sad, and I'm sure it's happening all over the country, not just Philadelphia. If you have the means to donate, please do so:
The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program in Philadelphia has been flooded with requests for toys this year, far outstripping supply, say organizers.
And local marines are asking for help.
"We are way undersupplied," said Staff Sgt. Marc Palos, the Toys for Tots coordinator for Philadelphia and Bristol.
"We are running out of toys and people keep requesting them," he added. "We just don't have enough to give them."
Palos cited continuing economic troubles as the culprit, but says he is unsure why this year would be worst than last.
Last year, the program produced over 113,000 toys by Christmas.
"This year, I seriously doubt will make that marker," Palos said. "We're just not receiving the toys we have in the past from the public."
However, Palos said corporations are still donating, and he said there is still time to make up the slack. The Marines have collection sites at all Philadelphia Fire Department stations, as well as four Toys R Us locations.
"In years past, we really didn't have an issue," Palos said. "We need to get the word out ... I guarantee you that by the end of this week, we might not have any toys to distribute."