TX Anti-Abortion Representative Tried To Kick Pregnant Women, Kids Off CHIP

Watch this "pro-life" hypocrite lose it when she's challenged.


Back in 2007, on the same TX House floor, Laubenberg repudiated the fact that the unborn are actually alive and worthy of consideration. Laubenberg added an amendment to an appropriations bill that would force mothers to wait three months to get prenatal and perinatal care under the Children’s Health and Insurance Program (CHIP). One of her colleagues, Democrat Rafael Anchia challenged her and pointed out that her amendment was in fact, very, very anti-life. At which point, Laubenberg “loses it,” flies off the handle, and dips into the “cessschool” of "I scream louder therefore I am right."

[...] Laubenberg starts speaking about her amendment at the 1:00 minute mark. Anchia starts questioning her around the 2:57 mark, and the exchange (and subsequent dismantling of Laubenberg) occurs at the 4:10 mark and continues…

“But they aren’t born yet.” Therefore they do not have any rights. Therefore they cannot be counted as citizens. Therefore they should not receive benefits reserved for the alive and sacred.

So which is it, Representative Laubenberg? Are you really pro-birth, or are you just pro-alcohol-intake-before-9am?

But this is not just about Jodie Laubenberg. This is really about the entire Republican playbook when it comes to their “pro-life” position. Republicans aren’t really pro-life; they are flagrantly and reprehensibly pro birth; only pro-birth and nothing more. Just pop the kid out, evermore, quoth the Republican nevermore…

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