Will Consumers Buy Cars From Bankrupt Auto Companies?

This USA Today/Gallup poll is just plain dumb. By using vague wording, they push the idea that consumers will buy cars from bankrupt auto companies

This USA Today/Gallup poll is just plain dumb. By using vague wording, they push the idea that consumers will buy cars from bankrupt auto companies - but that's misleading.

Jack Nerad, market analyst for car-shopping site KBB.com, says concerns about warranties and parts still would dissuade buyers. "People will say they will consider a lot of things, but when it gets right down to actually putting their money on the line … it narrows pretty significantly."

The cars themselves aren't even the problem. What will happen is, if the automakers go bankrupt and don't pay their outstanding bills, the manufacturers of OEM and after-market parts will go under, too.

And who's going to buy a car that you can't fix?

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