Mike's Blog Round Up

Periscope Depth compares Juan Cole then and now, now and then. If the Thunder don't get ya thinks when reading the NY Times, even if Bill Keller doesn't. Roundtree7 has a list of US interventions since 1946. A long list. Welcome

Periscope Depth compares Juan Cole then and now, now and then.

If the Thunder don't get ya thinks when reading the NY Times, even if Bill Keller doesn't.

Roundtree7 has a list of US interventions since 1946. A long list.

Welcome Back to Pottersville paraphrases Lord Acton: Wealth corrupts and absolute wealth corrupts absolutely.

Bonus Track:

The Practice Room notices something is missing from the Simpsons. In Germany.

Round-up by Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors who also blogs at Dependable Renegade. Send tips to: mbru@crooksandliars.com

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