All You Need To Know About John Boehner Summed Up In One Tweet

It's not just a tweet - it's a re-tweet of the Heritage Foundation that showed up on the Speaker of the House's feed. Yes, the Heritage Foundation - you know the people who scored the first Bush Tax Cut and reported they would: 1) Effectively

Twitter - @johnboehner- RT @Heritage VIDEO- Carl's ..._1313686914148.jpg
It's not just a tweet - it's a re-tweet of the Heritage Foundation that showed up on the Speaker of the House's feed. Yes, the Heritage Foundation - you know the people who scored the first Bush Tax Cut and reported they would:

1) Effectively pay off the federal debt;
2) Reduce the federal surplus by $1.4 trillion;
3) Substantially increase family income;
4) Save the entire Social Security surplus;
5) Increase personal savings;
6) Create more job opportunities.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. And wrong. Nice credible people to associate with, Boehner. Even better people to have your aide parrot on Twitter.

I've yet to see 140-characters sum up a person better than this tweet. Amazing.

And of all the CEOs in the world who could be kvetching about the Affordable Care Act - they quote one from a fast food chain?!

“I’m very concerned that in the coming years we’ll be unable to create as many jobs as we would like due to the increased expenses necessitated by laws such as the PPACA [Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act],” Andy Puzder testified.

Oh no! Fewer burger flipping jobs?! In America? Right.

Let us not forget that when we're talking about minimum wage jobs - we're talking about jobs you can't live on so you're forced to rely on food stamps and Medicaid to survive. When we talk about minimum wage jobs - we're talking about government subsidized workers.

Andy Puzder CEO of Carls Jr. is a McJobs creator.

Hey Boehner - where are all those taxpayer-funded McJobs?

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