Bachmann Signs Yet Another Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge

Okay, Michele Bachmann, we get it. You are against gay marriage. You've said it. Your husband treats homosexuality as if it were tuberculosis and yet still calls them barbarians who need to be educated. You don't think the homosexuals should exist

Okay, Michele Bachmann, we get it. You are against gay marriage. You've said it. Your husband treats homosexuality as if it were tuberculosis and yet still calls gays barbarians who need to be educated. You don't think the homosexuals should exist or have equal rights. Message received.

But seriously - what's with all the pledges? This isn't a frat party. It's still called the Grand Old one. Can't you just repeat yourself endlessly with identical talking points over and over again without having to always be signing something? Come on.

Anyway, yet another anti-gay marriage pledge was signed by candidates Bachmann and (of course) Rick Santorum. No preamble saying slavery was better for black children this time. Mitt Romney did sign this one because...well...he needs to play down the Mormon thing and look like he's against the wrong kind of Americans. It's very important to his party.

Here are the key points of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM!) pledge from Mother Jones:

  • Support and send to the states a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman,
  • Defend DOMA [the Defense of Marriage Act] in court,
  • Appoint judges and an attorney general who will respect the original meaning of the Constitution,
  • Appoint a presidential commission to investigate harassment of traditional marriage supporters,
  • Support legislation that would return to the people of D.C. their right to vote for marriage.

My favorite is the implication that people who "support traditional marriage" have been the ones harassed. Poor traditional marriage supporters - they've been bullied. They can't help it, they were born that way. Don't worry, it gets better. If history proves anything the thing with "traditional marriage" is that it changes all the time (see: miscegenation laws).

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