Multiple #OccupyDC Protesters Hit By Car: DC Police Admit They Only Interviewed Two 'Non-Involved' Witnesses

Many thanks to Adam Green for getting this video together. I was at this press conference last night with the Assistant DC Police Chief. The Sippel Family, two mothers, one pregnant and their 13-year-old son in from Dayton, Ohio were

Many thanks to Adam Green for getting this video together.

I was at this press conference last night with the Assistant DC Police Chief.

The Sippel Family, two mothers, one pregnant and their 13-year-old son in from Dayton, Ohio were mowed down by a driver near a Koch brothers protest at their Americans for Prosperity conference in DC on Friday night. They were taken to the hospital where they were issued citations (while being wheeled into a CT scan) for going against the "don't walk" sign and obstructing an intersection. The driver of the car was let go with no citations at all.

The police admitted they are not aware of a second incident - before the Sippels were hit - involving a young woman who's recovering from her injuries.

What didn't make it into the video is the statement from the police chief: "All we've done in the last 24-hours is to interview two non-involved witnesses."

So really, if you want to plow into pedestrians in DC - apparently you just have to do it in front of "involved witnesses" and no one sees nothing.

The guy hit four people in two separate incidents a block away from each other. He struck a pregnant tourist and her 13-year-old son in front of a hundred witnesses and video cameras. It's injustice and outrageous.

See my exclusive video of the moment police let the driver drive away here.

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