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US Media Double Standard--on Uprisings In Syria And Uprisings In...the US By Russ Baker on Feb 11, 2013 Why is torching a police kiosk an admirable thing in Syria but cause for consternation in the United States? Why is protest again corrupt

US Media Double Standard--on Uprisings In Syria And Uprisings In...the US
By Russ Baker on Feb 11, 2013
Why is torching a police kiosk an admirable thing in Syria but cause for consternation in the United States? Why is protest again corrupt central power in one country a good thing-and something to be dismissed in another? WhoWhatWhy asks....WhyWhyWhy

Thee "Blood" Items You Probably Have In Your House Right Now
By Our Roving Correspondent on Feb 9, 2013
A few things to unsettle you. Hey! No need to thank us. (Oh, and a few things you can do to settle right back.)

Radioactive Eye Glasses...Silverware...Zippers...Hip Joints...Anyone?

By Karen Charman on Feb 7, 2013
Every ten years or so, the nuclear establishment trots out a proposal to offload some of its so-called low-level waste-radioactive metals, concrete, soil, plastics, and other materials-onto the public. In the past, this idea was met with outrage and was stopped. But as the nation's nuclear garbage pile continues to grow, the pressure to release some of it into commerce-and thus our daily lives-mounts.

EXCLUSIVE--Petraeus: The Plot Thickens
By Douglas Lucas and Russ Baker on Feb 5, 2013
Was the ambitious General David Petraeus targeted for take-down by competing interests in the US military/intelligence hierarchy-years before his abrupt downfall last year in an adultery scandal? Previously unreported documents analyzed by WhoWhatWhy suggest as much...

"The Drugs Made Me Do It"

By Steven S. Ross on Feb 2, 2013
The finger-pointing about who is to blame for gun violence has turned to prescription pharmaceuticals. We're told that they transform people into killing machines. But is the problem the drugs themselves-or the ease with which the mentally ill can obtain guns?

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