WhoWhatWhy: Innoculating You To The BS On Television

An update in the persecution of journalist/hacktivist Barrett Brown, a few goodies pertaining to the George W. Bush Presidential Library, and some handy A/V clips to keep us sane in the midst of all the nonsense.

Barrett Brown Update: New Defense Team, Feds Fish For Activists
By Christian Stork on May 2, 2013
Several new developments in the Barrett Brown case suggest that the playing field between the cyber-activist/journalist and the government may be starting to even out-at least a bit. But the feds aren't giving up anytime soon.

Dancing in Jaffa
By James Huang on Apr 28, 2013
Who wouldn't like, for once, to hear a story of Israelis and Palestinians getting along? Here's a moving program to help children in this troubled land to bridge the perennial hostility gap-literally, by touching. Put the cynicism aside for a moment and revel in this beautiful documentary trailer.

More "Not In The George W. Bush Presidential Library And Museum": The Cronyism
By Tim McDonnell on Apr 26, 2013
If you want a fairy tale account of recent history-with an engaged president taking tough choices in the public interest-hightail it to Dallas and visit the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. If you'd prefer the real story-of cronyism, incompetence, cynicism and self-dealing by the American aristocracy, read on.

George W. Bush Presidential Library And Museum

By Russ Baker on Apr 24, 2013
The new George W. Bush Library and Museum is dedicated to educating the public. Here's one story it left out. Play ball!

George Carlin: How Politicians Talk

By James Huang on Apr 21, 2013
All those weaselly words politicians use? George Carlin was on the case.

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