WhoWhatWhy: Putting A Microscope Over Everything
Your latest news round up, served fresh and always raising new questions.
This documentary about the three Reuther brothers of the United Auto Workers, tells, through one very important union, the remarkable story of the rise and fall of organized labor. It also addresses the crucial symbiosis between unions and the civil rights movement. There's even a curious connection to the deaths of JFK, RFK and MLK.
NYT'S Rhodes To Nowhere: A Cipher In The Oval Office
Weird just keeps getting weirder. A close read of the New York Times's profile of a mysterious top Obama speechwriter and advisor raises questions about the media, the presidency, and power itself.
Corporate Personhood In The Fast Lane: Jonathan Frieman, Citizen, Takes A Stand
Jonathan Frieman took an unusual stand against corporate personhood. Frieman was stopped in October by a sheriff in Marin County (a San Francisco suburb)-for driving solo in the lane for high-occupancy vehicles. He then pulled out corporate papers and argued that he was traveling with another person-since corporations count as persons.
Outside The Box Video Series: Psywar
A documentary that intimately details the history of propaganda
Other news:
A story by Christian Stork on the Barrett Brown case and growing threats to civil liberties was noted by both Glenn Greenwald in The Guardian and Kevin Drum in Mother Jones. Christian was a guest, along with Greenwald, on Al Jazeera English's "Inside Story Americas”
Russ Baker appeared on RT Television's "Breaking the Set” to discuss the government's continued withholding of documents relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, fifty years after the event.