December 19, 2017

The Hill reports that over 100K people are ready to take to the streets nationwide if Trump fires Mueller.

A coalition of groups opposed to President Trump and his agenda has assembled tens of thousands of individuals pledging to protest if Trump fires special counsel Robert Mueller.

Over 100,000 Americans have vowed to take part in more than 500 protests across the country should the firing occur, according to a press release.

The effort includes groups like the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the Truman National Security Project, Public Citizen, Stand Up America, Civic Action, March for Truth, Indivisible, People for the American Way, Common Cause and Democracy 21.


The website allows you to search for a march in your zipcode. The march will happen at 5pm if the firing is before 2pm Eastern, and at noon the next day if the firing is after 2pm Eastern.

Get ready, show up, take to the streets. This will not stand.

On the other hand, it appears Donald Trump is in a staff-encouraged ego fog that tells him he is about to be exonerated by Mueller. That's nice!

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