Just an observation, but doesn't conservative journal ...pundit...Oh wait, I got it .traitor, Robert Novak remind you of the Crypt Keeper? . It's also
Just an observation, but doesn't conservative journal ...pundit...Oh wait, I got it .traitor, Robert Novak remind you of the Crypt Keeper? . It's also painful to hear him cackle on CNN's Crossfire. I thought FNC made their liberals look bad but between him and Tucker Carlson, I actually think Allan Colmes could kick both their asses. As for Novak who is portrayed on The Daily Show, oh so elegantly. A must see episode. Why isn't he locked up behind bars by U.S. District Chief Judge Thomas Hogan , since he knowingly outed Valerie Plame? His excuse is as laughable as his defense of writer John O'Neal.