The Collapse Of Swiftboat Veterans For Truth

It is clear that the SBVFT is falling apart now. New evidence is appearing that the Bush campaign is involved. The Bush campaign said Kenneth Cordie

It is clear that the SBVFT is falling apart now. New evidence is appearing that the Bush campaign is involved.

The Bush campaign said Kenneth Cordier, who appears in a new advertisement to be aired by the anti-Kerry group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, will no longer serve in his voluntary position on Bush's veterans steering committee

What will they say now?

Robert Novak called Unfit "a shocking presentation of Senator Kerry's record" on CNN's Capital Gang on August 7.

Tony Blankly editorial page editor of The Washington Times, in his August 11 column :The book has the ring of sincerity to it, and the mark of careful research and writing.

Brit Hume FOX News Channel managing editor :The book is full of footnotes. It has an appendix. It's a pretty serious piece of work..

Fred Barnes executive editor of The Weekly Standard I think these charges on which most of them are many, many swift commanders saying one thing and only one person on the other side, John Kerry saying something else.

Sean Hannity "devastating to Senator Kerry." On August 18, Hannity claimed the book was "extremely well documented."

Rush Limbaugh agreed with Blankley that it was "meticulously researched and reported" and read Blankley's column on the air:

Mark R Levin: said on his August 16 radio show that he was convinced that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are "telling the truth about Kerry."

David Limbaugh
's breath was taken away by Unfit, according to his August 17 column (which Levin also read on the air on August 17):are making specific indictments against Kerry that cannot be rationalized away.
Thanks MMFA

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