Bush-Kerry Race Tied As RNC Bounce Fades
Bush-Kerry Race Tied As RNC Bounce Fades, New IBD Survey Shows BY IBD STAFF INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY A new IBD/TIPP poll put President Bush a
Bush-Kerry Race Tied As RNC Bounce Fades, New IBD Survey Shows
A new IBD/TIPP poll put President Bush and Sen. John Kerry in a dead heat, suggesting Bush's post-convention bounce is quickly disappearing.
In IBD/TIPP's first poll of likely voters, conducted Sept. 7-12, both men garnered 47% in a two-man race and 46% in a three-way race. In the latter scenario, independent Ralph Nader would take just 3% of the vote.
Among registered voters, Kerry holds a two-point edge over Bush, with or without Nader, the poll found.