"One Version Of The Truth"....Knight Ridder
ran a very good story this weekend about the genesis of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and its founder, retired Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann. Here are the
ran a very good story this weekend about the genesis of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and its founder, retired Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann. Here are the key paragraphs:
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth was registered with the IRS on April 23. Its early expenditures included money for a Dallas-area private investigator, Tom Rupprath. Hoffmann said Rupprath's job was to find vets and collect their stories so that a single account could be presented to the public.
"If everyone was saying something different it could be confusing. We wanted one version of the truth," Hoffmann said.
....In a defining moment, on July 9 and 10, dozens of veterans, the group's top advisers and a film-making crew descended on a Marriott hotel in Rosslyn, Va., to film raw material for later commercials.
"The admiral helped me to see in hindsight what was really going on with Kerry," Thurlow said.It's a work of high art if political assassination can be called high art. The only question is how these guys can still bear to look at themselves in the mirror when they wake up every morning.