Checking The Home Page Of FNC:

Positioned right next to "We Report, You Decide." They have an ad promoting John Gibson's "Big Story" show about a movie that blasts Fahrenheit 9/11.

Positioned right next to "We Report, You Decide." They have an ad promoting John Gibson's "Big Story" show about a movie that blasts Fahrenheit 9/11. Didn't every right wing pundit try to debunk the movie months ago.(Many of then didn't even see it.) Is that a really BIG story the day after the first Presidential debate? On Hannity and Colmes, the are having John O'Neal back in studio to try and discredit John Kerry once again. Now that's damage control!

If Holmes had any crediability on that show, he would have never allowed O'Neal to appear on that show again, especially after the first debate.

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