Our friend Porter Goss, doing his best to put to rest widespread fears that he’s too much of a partisan hack to be a good choice for director of

Our friend Porter Goss, doing his best to put to rest widespread fears that he’s too much of a partisan hack to be a good choice for director of central intelligence (DCI), has made a terrific first step:

Porter J. Goss, the new director of central intelligence, has chosen four House Republican aides for senior positions at the Central Intelligence Agency, including the No. 3 job in the agency, former agency officials said Thursday.
The decision to appoint the four officials is creating waves in the agency, which prides itself on objectivity and independence, the former officials said.

All four worked under Mr. Goss as political appointees on the Republican staff of the House Intelligence Committee, when he was the panel chairman.


It is not unusual in the agency's history for a new chief to appoint a new team. But it is rare for so many newly appointed officials to come from outside the agency and from jobs where they were partisan appointees.

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