The Daily Howler's Bob Somerby asks a highly relevant question about Condi Rice, that the maintream media continuously ignores. "Does Condi Rice ever
asks a highly relevant question about Condi Rice, that the maintream media continuously ignores.
"Does Condi Rice ever know anything?
According to the White House, she didn't know about objections to the uranium-from-Africa story because she hadn't read the whole National Intelligence Estimate! And in May 2002, she said she hadn't known that terrorists might use airplanes as missiles—even though intelligence agencies has issued such warnings for years. Now, she says she didn't know something else—she didn't know the state of aa critical, year-long discussion about those aluminum tubes. I didn't know, Rice told [Wolf] Blitzer. And she was singing a sweet old refrain.
Does Condi Rice ever know anything?"
Indeed. And her comment to the Washington Post about the aluminum tube controversy is..umm...implausible:
I guess President CEO isn't the only one in his administration who can't tell the difference between delegation and abdication. But then, Machiavelli pointed out a long time ago that it is impossible for a leader who is not himself wise to be well advised. How could he tell?
Of course, this leads to the natural follow-up quetsion: Why does Condi Rice still have a job in the Bush administrtion?
You'd think a "National Security Advisor" would actually KNOW what our intelligence agencies were saying about, you know, national security issues.