Protecting Us From Evil Canadian Drugs
I know you'll find this hard to believe, but there's another scandal brewing that involves both George and Jeb Bush in Florida. It's a whistleblower c
I know you'll find this hard to believe, but there's
another scandal brewing that involves both George and Jeb Bush in Florida. It's a whistleblower case about a prescription drug management company that has friends in high place, and you should read the whole thing:
Two former Caremark pharmacists have announced plans to subpoena Jeb Bush as part of their whistleblower lawsuit against the company. Michael and Peppi Fowler have accused Caremark of defrauding -- and even endangering -- Florida customers by failing to properly fill their prescriptions. They have also suggested that the state has protected Caremark at the public's expense.
In a rare twist, the Fowlers recently blocked the state from intervening in their case after raising concerns about potential conflicts. Most whistleblowers welcome government assistance, but the Fowlers worried that state officials might be influenced by their ties to the company. Based on the latest court filing, the whistleblowers now question whether Caremark received favorable treatment from the highest political office in Florida.
Specifically, the Fowlers are seeking to discover whether Bush corresponded with Caremark CEO Mac Crawford about the company's performance -- and about an alleged "tainted drugs issue" in particular. They also want any communications between the two parties involving a powerful lobbying firm, employed by Caremark, that enjoys a warm relationship with the governor.
Lots more.