Kerry Talks Economy, Collects Major Endorsement

By Mark Egan XENIA, Ohio (Reuters) - Democratic Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) attacked the economic record of President Bush (news - web sites)

By Mark Egan

XENIA, Ohio (Reuters) - Democratic Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) attacked the economic record of President Bush (news - web sites) on Saturday and the Senator from Massachusetts was later endorsed by the New York Times.

The Times, in endorsing Kerry, characterized President Bush's presidency as "disastrous" and accused him of "turning the government over to the radical right."

"We are impressed with Mr. Kerry's wide knowledge and clear thinking," the Times said Sundays editions. "He is blessedly willing to reevaluate decisions when conditions change."

"Mr. President, the millions of Americans who have lost jobs on your watch are not 'myths,' they are middle-class families -- and for four years, you've turned your back on them," Kerry told a town hall meeting at a high school.

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