Asks Hesiod, when Alan Keyes said Mary Cheney was practicing "selfish hedonism?" or when Republican congressional candidate Marilyn Musgrave sends ou

Hesiod, when Alan Keyes said Mary Cheney was practicing "selfish hedonism?" or when Republican congressional candidate Marilyn Musgrave sends out fundraising letters like this one?

She had a chance to directly respond to what Keyes said, but let her other daughter do the talking instead.

[Update: Here is iron clad proof that the only people engaging in a "cheap and tawdry political trick" are the dishonest and dishonerable Dick and Lynne Cheney.

"The communications director for Bush-Cheney, Nicolle Devenish, said Kerry miscalculated the impact of his remarks and now is "backpedaling from what is a crass, below-the-belt political strategy to attack the vice president's daughter."

ATTACK? They are now claiming that John Kerry "attack[ed]" Mary Cheney?!? What a crock of complete bullshit.

Here's the supposed "attack" on Mary Cheney they are referring to:

"We're all God's children," he said. "And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was. She's being who she was born as. I think if you talk to anybody, it's not a choice." -- John Kerry, 3rd Pres. debate.

That's an attack?!?

Andrew Sullivan (here and elsewhere) and his correspondent, Marshall Wittman (here), say what needs to be said about the GOP's odd treatment of Mary Cheney's sexual orientation as something to be ashamed of, and its hilarious offensive against John Kerry as an apparent homophobe.

Sullivan's site also has a wonderful run-down of all the conservatives who have suddenly become charter members, so to speak, of the Human Rights Campaign. It's obvious what's going on here: The only way to salvage a "win" out of Wednesday's debate is to recast it as an occasion where Kerry made a horrendous gaffe. And the Bush surrogates in the right-wing press are doing everything they can to make that happen.

Alas, they seem to be doing a very effective job of it. Not one reporter writing a story about this blow-up seems willing to ask the Bush campaign or the Cheneys why it's offensive of Kerry to describe Mary Cheney -- in a positive sense -- as a lesbian. At least Gary Bauer is honest enough to admit that it will hurt Bush among rural conservatives for them to know a member of the Republican ticket fathered a daughter who plays for the other team.

What a shameful and disgusting display of phony, manufactured outrage. They are shamlessly exploiting their own daughter for partisan political gain, and the media is letting them get away with this BS.
Mike F.
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