Summing Up Bill O'Reilly's New Column In One Word.

Laughable! Candidate Bush: Just the facts Bill often complains that the NY Times do not review "His" books which somehow translates to liberal b


Candidate Bush: Just the facts

Bill often complains that the NY Times do not review "His" books which somehow translates to liberal bias, but if they did review his books they might put an end to them. Simply put, the man can’t write. In his new column, O’Reilly dissects President Bush’s candidacy with "Just the facts." Well, where are the facts?

He states that Bush’s big problem is bad foreign intelligence. He says that unemployment is less than when Clinton was in office, but doesn’t supply the reader with any facts! He says that most Americans are living comfortable lives, but doesn’t give us any facts. Then he says that the situation varies from state to state! Huh? He says that gas prices are way up but most American’s seem to be taking that in stride. The key word in that sentence is "seem ". To me the word "seems" is like a guess, a hopeful thought. Anyone who has to drive a distance to work is furious about the gas prices. Now here is a whopper, and I quote "Once again, the President has not said much about rising fuel prices, concentrating on the big picture, which is that the U.S. economy is much better than that in most other developed countries." What the fuck is he talking about! We are the only super power in the world Bill and to compare America to "other developed countries is ludacris! (That’s a typo I did on purpose Bill). The fact that President Bush hasn’t created a single job in his whole term is worth mentioning don’t you think? He blames no child left behind because of poor administration by the states, but again does not include any facts to justify his position. Bill says "Bush's support is much more fervent than Kerry's, according to all of the polls, and that's because of his social outlook." Do you think that Bill would state one of these polls? Here is another whopper by Bill. "The presidency of George W. Bush is difficult to evaluate because of the war on terror, which has consumed much of his time." Bill, I think and many Americans have evaluated his presidency except you! Now comes Bill’s final summation:

"So summing up, the President's big downside is the intelligence debacle and his failure to adequately explain it."

That’s it? What about the failed war in Iraq Bill, and the lies leading up to the war? No mention about job loss, health care loss, and poverty gains, Ashcroft’s inability to prosecute anyone, the Abu Ghraib disaster, failures to many to list here.

His big plus: Most Americans like him, and his conservative base reveres him.

Can you imagine winning a presidency based on whether a guy is liked rather than what he has done?

"If he defeats John Kerry, he will do it on who he is rather than what he's done."

Now that is the only honest statement Bill has made.


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