It's So Refreshing To Read An Honest Take From An Opposing Party.

Daniel Drezner an excellent Republican blogger has endorsed Kerry! I wish more republicans would read this, instead of listening to their spin mast

Daniel Drezner an excellent Republican blogger has endorsed Kerry!

I wish more republicans would read this, instead of listening to their spin masters.

I've made up my mind
So I'm voting for Kerry.

In my two threads on the subject (here and here), I've been amused to read suggestions by fellow Republicans that I'm overanalyzing things and should just trust my gut. If I had done that, I would have known I was voting for Kerry sometime this summer because of Iraq. To put it crudely, my anger at Bush for the number of Mongolian cluster-f**ks this administration was discovered to have made in the planning process in the run-up to Iraq was compounded by the even greater number of cluster-f**ks the administration made in the six months after the invasion, topped off by George W. Bush's decision not to fire the clusterf**ks in the civilian DoD leadershop that insisted over the past two years that not a lot of troops were needed in the Iraqi theater of operations. No, if I was voting based on gut instincts, I would have planned on voting for Kerry and punching a wall afterwards. read on

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