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Bush campaign pirates popular song without composer's permission The following is a letter sent to C&L and to the press by friend Larry Hoppen, a

Bush campaign pirates popular song without composer's permission

The following is a letter sent to C&L and to the press by friend Larry Hoppen, a 30-year member of the group, Orleans:

The Bush Campaign has recently been using the 70sclassic hit "Still The One" as their theme song in these final days before the Election. Contrary to usual practice when a song is used for promotion and/or advertising, the Campaign did NOTseek permission to use the song or the original recording. They could have EASILY found us, we have a website and we don't live in caves. The use of the song as a theme cleary infers that the artist - Orleans, my band of 33 years - supports George W. Bush and what he stands for.

Still The One, one of the most-recognized, most-aired and highest-testing-at-radio hits of the last 30 years, is a hallmark of my career and life's work. I am proud of it. My parents were proud of it. In fact, one of my brothers is also an original member of Orleans, both of my brothers perform with me now in Orleans along with John J. Hall who co-wrote the song. Because this is America, I was able to make my dream a reality. I support my family - a wife and twin girls - to this day solely by my work in the music industry. To have my God-given talent and unique work product hijacked for promotion of something I don't support is extremely painful, disturbing and troubling. Because we were not asked, I presume there is no intention on the Campaign's part to pay for the use of our work. I intend to find out.

What is the difference between this behavior of the Bush Campaign and, for example, Chinese businesses ignoring U.S and International Copyright Law for their own profit? Setting aside the reality that I have used my music, time and money to help sick children - a nonpartisan cause - and setting aside the reality that Orleans and myself have always been active in supporting progressive social / political causes and candidates, by itself the pirating of our work is an outrage. It's made worse because the Bush Campaign and Administration have a pro-business stance but clearly they are not playing by standard business rules. Worse yet as they profess fairness and morality.This is hardly an example of fairness. America truly is Still The One. George W. Bush is NOT.

Sincerely, Larry L. Hoppen

Lucky for Bush, Ted Nugent's "Cat Scratch Fever" is probably available. Any other songs you think Bush should play at his rallies?

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