What Do Exit Polls Mean?

We at C&L enjoy reading right wing blogs as well as left. I find some of the arguments and stories interesting and informed as are blogs on the le

We at C&L enjoy reading right wing blogs as well as left. I find some of the arguments and stories interesting and informed as are blogs on the left. Some of it is nonsense, but that is inherent in the blogosphere.. There's a debate on "littlegreenfootballs"(that I enjoy reading) about Exit Polls: Direct Reports from Dem Operatives that describes a report form American Spector. To sum it up, the left wing bloggers are at fault for the exit polls. There are many good posts about oversampling of women, and the like. Here is an interesting post to counter some of the charges:

I watch FOX during the night as I read these posts.

FOX admitted later in the evening that they had been trusting the exit polls that they and all the networks had gotten from the COMPANY THEY HIRED TO DO THEM. They admitted they had been reluctant to call states going Bush earlier because of the exit poll results they had received earlier. They were not basing this on blogs but the exit polls they paid for.

All the networks had gotten together and chosen ONE COMPANY to do the exit polls.

Brit Hume on FOX even joked about asking for their money back.

According to a Washington lobbyist with knowledge of the numbers, the numbers were packaged together so as to appear to be exit poll results. They were then scrubbed through several sources to land in the lap of sympathetic bloggers who these operatives believed would put the numbers up with little question.
So how does the link with the above? Company insider working with the Kerry camp?

Not everything is a Rather-Gate incident!

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