Tom Delay Speaks Out

Tom Delay speaks out, and rips those Democrats who use politics of personal destruction! VideoFrom Talk LeftAnd now we hear of a proposed change of ru

Tom Delay speaks out, and rips those Democrats who use politics of personal destruction!


From Talk Left

And now we hear of a proposed change of rules in the House.

House Republicans plan to change their rules in order to allow members indicted by state prosecutors to remain in a leadership post, a move designed to benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) in case he is charged by a Texas grand jury that has indicted three of his political associates, GOP leaders said today.

Of course, the rule was adopted by House Republicans in response to Dan Rostenkowski's misbehavior, but hey, he was a Democrat. The rule is no longer convenient for Republicans, so it's gotta go.

List of Delays problems:

1997, the Ethics Committee advised Mr. DeLay to avoid suggesting he would grant favors in exchange for campaign contributions.

2004, he hit the trifecta for his role in promising favors in exchange for a Medicare vote, admonished Mr. DeLay for his role in an energy fund-raiser, and admonished him for using FAA resources from Homeland Security to hunt down Democrats in his state.

Don't we have a third strike rule?

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