John Saunders Sells Out The Truth And Craig James In Favor Of The BCS And ABC!

During a break in the Miami-Virgina Tech football game on ABC, Saunders admonished colleague Craig James for stating that 23rd ranked Pitt's inclusion

During a break in the Miami-Virgina Tech football game on ABC, Saunders admonished colleague Craig James for stating that 23rd ranked Pitt's inclusion in the BCS bowl games meant that the best eight teams will not be taking part in the BCS bowl games due to the Big East (Pitt's) conference's automatic BCS bid. That prompted Saunders to call James on the carpet on national televison by reminding him jokingly (haha) that the BCS games are on ABC, so therefore the top eight teams are in the BCS bowl games. What's worse? His bold faced lie in support of a flawed system or his blatant disregard for the truth at the expense of his co-worker? Nice job John. Is that snake or flaxseed oil you're trying to sell us?

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