A Note From The Brad Blog!

As I'm unable to get to The BRAD BLOG due to the crush of traffic since reporting the "WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototyp

As I'm unable to get to The BRAD BLOG due to the crush of traffic since reporting the "WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!" story, I am also unable to report on a sad new related item just in.

I've just spoken with Clint Curtis, the "whistleblower" in this case, and he's reported that his previously healthy three-year old German Shepard has been found dead. Just a few hours after I published my story on Mr. Curtis.

I don't wish to give any other details for the moment, but the story should get out there. And I'm sorry to say that this is the second time this has occured to Mr. Curtis over the years since he began trying to tell his story.

I am angry, frustrated, hurt and feel somewhat responsible somehow. But I suppose it's a good reminder of the kind of folks that Mr. Curtis has been dealing with down in Florida for so many years.

As well, I'll have to take it as a good reminder of how important it is that we continue to fight for a government populated by people who we can trust. And to continue working towards a world where this sort of thing just doesn't happen to good honest individuals like Mr. Curtis who has put up with so much in order to tell his story.

I would also like to mention something to whoever decided it was a good idea to kill an innocent animal in order to threaten or warn or intimidate Mr. Curtis in some way. Clint's remarkable courage in reporting what he has seen over the years, has lead directly to charges being filed against people who were committing espionage against the United States of America.

If there were more folks like him, willing to stand up bravely rather than sink to the cowardly level of destroying an innocent animal to make a point, I'm quite certain everyone in this country would be much better off for it.

Since I am unable to post this story for the moment, until traffic dies down at my site, I hope that you will find this email notable enough to consider posting on your blog. Please feel free to post the entire note as is.


THE BRAD BLOG - The uprising WILL continue...

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If there were more folks like him, willing to stand up bravely rather than sink to the cowardly level of destroying an innocent animal to make a point, I'm quite certain everyone in this country would be much better off for it.

Since I am unable to post this story for the moment, until traffic dies down at my site, I hope that you will find this email notable enough to consider posting on your blog. Please feel free to post the entire note as is.


THE BRAD BLOG - The uprising WILL continue...

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